Top 5 Patent Drafting Mistakes: You don’t want to have!!

[responsivevoice_button] The goal of drafting a patent application is to present a preliminary version of the invention, highlighting all its original elements, embodiments, and scope. A good patent draft is the one that provides a full, clear, and exact description of the invention that clearly portrays the purpose or the sight of the inventor, behind[…]

Patent Drafting: “Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea”

[responsivevoice_button] Patent drafting is a methodology of presenting pure technical explanation about the patent in the form of a document, called as the patent draft. It is important to have the proper technical domain knowledge about the patent subject, while drafting a patent. Since, patent draft is the first document that reaches in public for[…]

How to Write Patent Claims for Patent Application?

[responsivevoice_button] Let us first briefly learn about what is patent, and why are they so important in the patent application. Patent claims are the most important part of the application since it defines the scope of the invention. And the areas defined in the claims state what is covered under the claims and what not. Patent claims are the legal basis[…]

3 Important Aspects for Better Patent Docketing

3 Important Aspects for Better Patent Docketing : Patent docketing is a tool that can be either a system or a method, to keep track of all the important documents, deadlines and timelines, forms, drawings, and manage, sort, and record them within a database. Large number of patent law firms even hires docketing specialists to keep[…]

Patent Drafting FAQs – Get Your Answers!

Patent Drafting FAQs – Drafting is a preliminary form of writing anything, copying, subject to revision, etc. Patent drafting is an art of presenting pure technical explanation about the patent in the form of a document, called as the patent draft that eventually plays a fundamental role during patent prosecution, management, and maintenance. Two aspects[…]

Why do we need to do Data Validation for Patent Documents?

Data Accuracy is of utmost importance in the arena of patenting and innovation; a single error can make or break your overall goal as regulatory offices like the USPTO and WIPO are very sensitive when it comes to handling patent related data and information. Thus it is important for applicants and other stakeholders to ensure[…]

Role of Background Section in Patent Application

Role of Background Section in Patent Application : Background section is generally considered the place in the patent application where one defines the problem and the prior-art. Although such function of the background section is commonly accepted, it is advisable that the one must be very careful what to disclose and what not to disclose[…]

Specification and Drawings of Patent Application

Specification and Drawings of Patent Application : It is a general requirement of a patent application that all terms and phrases used in the claims must find “clear support or antecedent basis in the description so that the meaning of the terms in the claims may be ascertainable by reference to the description.” Specification and[…]

Reference Numbers in Patent Application

The patent application includes many sections, and two particular sections which run concurrently to describe the invention in detail are the specification and the drawings. It is important that the detailed description of the invention and the drawings have to be correlated. And the generally accepted way of achieving that has been the use of[…]