A Proven Approach to Identify Quality Patents in Any Industry

A Proven Approach to Identify Quality Patents in Any Industry

Quality Patents protect inventions since the owners of the inventions get exclusive rights to exploit them. When patents are ranked in order, the patents in the topmost ranks are quality patents. Your search for patents in a particular class to identify the patents that can be a threat to yours. Going through a thousand of[…]

Patent Drafting: “Not Everyone’s Cup of Tea”

[responsivevoice_button] Patent drafting is a methodology of presenting pure technical explanation about the patent in the form of a document, called as the patent draft. It is important to have the proper technical domain knowledge about the patent subject, while drafting a patent. Since, patent draft is the first document that reaches in public for[…]

Patent Drafting FAQs – Get Your Answers!

Patent Drafting FAQs – Drafting is a preliminary form of writing anything, copying, subject to revision, etc. Patent drafting is an art of presenting pure technical explanation about the patent in the form of a document, called as the patent draft that eventually plays a fundamental role during patent prosecution, management, and maintenance. Two aspects[…]

Complete Guide for Patent Drafting

Patent drafting means the art of presenting a preliminary version of an essential document of the invention, highlighting all the inventive elements, embodiments, and scope. The style of drafting depends upon the type of patent, such as it varies depending upon whether it is a utility or a design patent. For instance, utility patent focuses[…]