Office Action – How To Respond To An Office Action?

An office action is a notification that a patent examiner sends to the applicant of a pending patent application. The notice usually includes one or more rejections of claims made in the application. This blog will walk you through the different types of office action and how you can respond to them. What is an[…]

office action causes

Office Action Causes & Their Response

[responsivevoice_button] Office Action is the opposition notified by the USPTO examiner in the patent application to point out some or all patent claims that contain issues. It is an official mode of communication between the patent examiner and the patent filer that clearly state areas of improvement, mistakes, or rejection, in the patent application. These[…]

Patent Proofreading

Patent Proofreading: A Paramount Step to Achieve Patent

[responsivevoice_button] A legal document that enforces all the rights of the invention, in favor of the inventor, is Patent. To make sure that everything is correct inside it is patent proofreading. A patent includes claims and all other relevant information that reserves the rights of the inventor. In no other way will an individual or business can[…]

Avoid Abandonment Proofread Patent Claim

Proofread Patent Claims To Avoid Abandonment!!

[responsivevoice_button] Patent claims are the most critical part of the application. It defines the scope of the invention. The areas described in the claims state what is covered under it and what not. Patent claims are the legal basis of any patent protection. It creates a boundary to protect the claims stated for the invention. You need full technical (domain-based)[…]

Software Patent Drafting: The Complete Guide

Software patents are regular patents, but instead of inventing a machine or a chemical formula, you invented a computer program. Not all software can receive a patent. The software has to meet certain USPTO standards in order to get a patent. Hiring a patent attorney has always been a wise option for inventors, when it comes to drafting.[…]

Patent Drafting Vitals: You Can’t Miss These!

[responsivevoice_button] Patent Drafting Vitals, as its name suggests, is surely an art. An art that assembles both basic, complex claims and its functionalities into one simple and single draft. This draft must include everything regarding your invention, from its very physical to the complex in-depth majors. The emphasis is on the how to draft patent claim, rather than[…]

Options To Draft A Patent: Know Them All!

[responsivevoice_button] Patent drafting is an art as well as a science, wherein, we need to keep a balance between these two. For quality patent drafting it is important for the draftsperson to have adequate technical knowledge of the invention and at the same time should have acquaintances of drafting rules. What makes patent drafting more[…]

Draft Your Patents Clearly: Why & How?

[responsivevoice_button] Securing your invention in terms of opting for a patent, is a well-entrenched way. But, not all inventions are able to make it up to secure a patent. The very beginner’s step includes checking the feasibility of the idea, assuring its uniqueness, developing a prototype, and framing the patent draft with complete specifications. After assuring[…]

Drafting Patents: The Art Behind Every Successful Patent

[responsivevoice_button] In order to draft an efficient patent, one must have the art of describing a patent invention in a way that it fulfills all the requirements of the U.S. Patent Laws. Specific identification and particular definition are the two major parameters one should emphasize while patent drafting. Let’s discuss the art behind drafting patents.[…]