IDS Patent Definition Obligation and Requirements in Patent Applications

IDS Patent: Definition, Obligation, and Requirements in Patent Applications

[responsivevoice_button] When you think of “prior art”, IDS patent surely comes to mind. The USPTO labels it as an indispensable part of your patent application. Not having IDS in your application could cause problems of varying degrees. But what is IDS? Why do you need it in a patent? We are here to explain everything[…]

Tips & Tricks for High-Quality Patent Draft

Tips & Tricks for High-Quality Patent Draft

[responsivevoice_button] A patent draft is at the very core of getting a patent grant. It is about taking the very first step of your journey towards a patent grant. It comprises the specifications and the claims of the invention in detail. Furthermore, prepare a patent draft as per the format of the jurisdiction in which[…]

How to write a patent

How to Write a Patent: The Most Important Tips, Tricks, and Hacks

If you are planning to protect your invention, then you obviously need to know how to write a patent. You simply cannot understate the importance of the different sections, especially the patent claims. They can be tedious to write because of the peculiarity of the guidelines laid down by the USPTO. You may wish to[…]

Benefits of Patent Drafting Service

Benefits of Patent Drafting Service

[responsivevoice_button] When you’re planning to file a patent application, it’s always wise to hire a patent drafting service. Your application is the tool with which you explain the invention to the USPTO. In your application, you mention the description and the claims, which are the basis for securing a patent grant. The draft is, needless[…]

How to draft An Accurate Patent Claim

How to Draft an Accurate Patent Claim?

[responsivevoice_button] Inventors get patent grant only when the complete invention or part of it meets all the patentability criteria. Patent claims put forth what we intend to get a patent grant for.  Therefore, a patent claim is of foremost importance in a patent draft. It serves the purpose of defining the scope or limits of[…]

Omnibus Claim- Importance of Narrow and Broad Claim Scope

Omnibus Claim: Importance of Narrow and Broad Claim Scope

[responsivevoice_button] An omnibus claim is the description and/or illustrations as the subject matter of the claim. Also, the claim restricts the scope of a  claim to the things disclosed by the applicant. However, there are many cases wherein omnibus claim supported infringement action and validity challenge as it was only left at the end. Hence,[…]

Jepson Claims Know the Importance

Jepson Claims: Know the Importance

A Jepson claim describes prior art scope followed by claiming prior art improvement. It depends on the subject matter which requires protection through patent claims. If defined correctly, Jepson claims is a combination of claims. The invention claimed includes the “preamble in the combination with the improvement.” While using Jepson form, the claim not only[…]

Software Patent Drafting: The Complete Guide

Software patents are regular patents, but instead of inventing a machine or a chemical formula, you invented a computer program. Not all software can receive a patent. The software has to meet certain USPTO standards in order to get a patent. Hiring a patent attorney has always been a wise option for inventors, when it comes to drafting.[…]

Options To Draft A Patent: Know Them All!

[responsivevoice_button] Patent drafting is an art as well as a science, wherein, we need to keep a balance between these two. For quality patent drafting it is important for the draftsperson to have adequate technical knowledge of the invention and at the same time should have acquaintances of drafting rules. What makes patent drafting more[…]

Draft Your Patents Clearly: Why & How?

[responsivevoice_button] Securing your invention in terms of opting for a patent, is a well-entrenched way. But, not all inventions are able to make it up to secure a patent. The very beginner’s step includes checking the feasibility of the idea, assuring its uniqueness, developing a prototype, and framing the patent draft with complete specifications. After assuring[…]