Patent Proofreading

Patent Proofreading – How To Proofread Patent?

Patents are a legal way of protecting Intellectual Property and the risks associated with them. There are so many types of mistakes that can be made during the process. So, it is important to have your work professionally proofread before filing the patent application. In this blog, we will discuss what is patent proofreading. There[…]

Patent Type

Types of Patents – 3 Different Kinds of Patent

A patent provides protection to those inventions that are novel and non-obvious. Patenting your invention gives you the exclusive right to use your technology and prevent others from stealing the same. In addition to that, a patent allows you to generate an additional stream of income through various patent monetization techniques. For those readers who[…]

Patent Attorneys

Patent Attorneys – What is an IP Attorney?

Patent Attorneys are professionals who hold knowledge and qualification regarding patent-related matters. Before we dive into what is an IP lawyer, it is important to understand what exactly is a patent. The patent refers to the grant of rights provided by the government to the inventor for his / her invention. To receive a patent,[…]

Prior Art Search – Why it is crucial?

For any business indulged in IP industry, Prior Art search has become a crucial part of their business. To receive a patent protection, it is important to conduct a prior-art search. Filing of patent application without performing this search always poses a threat of patent application rejection. Your patent application may get rejected in the[…]

NON PROVISIONAL Utility patent application

Non-Provisional Utility Patent Application 101

USPTO grants three types of patents: Plant, design, and utility. Plant and utility are divided into two categories: provisional and non-provisional utility patent application. A provisional application is economical and reserve inventor’s rights for 12 months. If the inventor fails to obtain a patent in 12 months then the patent is canceled. A non-provisional application[…]

Design Patent

Claim in a Design Patent Application

Design Patent, in general terms, consists of the visual ornamental characteristics embodied in any product. Since a design is manifested in its ornamental features, the protection sought in case of a design patent application may be applied to the configuration and ornamental features of the design. Like a utility patent application, the design patent application[…]

Patent Drafting

General Tips for Patent Claims Drafting

Patent claims drafting is considered by many as an art, and not particularly a precise science. That is to say that, there is no universally accepted correct or best claim for a particular disclosure. The following points provides some general tips for drafting proper patent claims, what experienced practitioners have learned and put into practice.[…]