July 9, 2018

Patent Filing in USA

Patent Filing Benefits

  • Once the invention is considered novel, nonobvious, and useful by the US Patent Office, you will receive 20 years of exclusive patent rights to your invention.
  • The applicant gets protection for a pre-determined period, allowing him/her to keep competitors at bay.
  • The applicant can license the patent for others to use it, or sell it, as with any asset, providing an important source of revenue for the business.

Patent Filing Procedure

  • A Full Disclosure agreement is signed between U.S. patent filer and the patent attorney for complete knowledge disclosure about the invention.
  • Initiating drafting of the patent application, constituting the claims about the technology and idea made about the invention.
  • Drawings and artworks are prepared by the draftsman to create an astute distinction between the invention and similar existing inventions.
  • Collaborative discussion sessions conducted between the two parties for drafting the final iterations so as to bring more clarity to the invention.
  • A final draft is prepared.
  • The final review session is conducted before filing the draft.

What do we offer?

Patent Filing in USA

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  • What can be patented?

Any process, machine, article of manufacture, a composition of matter, or any improvement of any of the above that is new, non-obvious, and useful, can be patented. In addition to utility patents, patent protection is available for ornamental design of an article of manufacture or asexually reproduced plant varieties by design and plant patents.

  • What cannot be patented?

Any laws of nature, physical phenomena, abstract ideas, literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works (these can be Copyright protected), & inventions which are not useful (such as perpetual motion machines); or offensive to public morality, falls outside the domain of patent protection.

  • I have a provisional patent. Do I need to file for a non-provisional patent?

A provisional patent application doesn’t issue a patent. You will be granted a pending patent status, after which further procedures have to be done in order to move from a pending stage to a full issuance of the patent. The sole purpose of a provisional patent is to give a filing date to the applicant who can later use that to claim priority during the formal non-provisional application.

  • Is there a deadline for filing a non-provisional patent?

To claim the benefits of a provisional patent application, a non-provisional patent must be drafted with the USPTO within one year of the original provisional filing date, or the benefit is lost.

What are we?

We are a team of 250+ subject experts that cover a variety of tech areas including Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Mechanical, Electrical, Biotechnology, Electronics, Telecommunication, Software, Information Technology and more. YPT serves clients in over 45 countries and is one of the very few organizations who understand global IP best practices to the core.

We ensure that you get the strongest and broadest protection, with our vast global IP network at the optimum costs.

Patent Drafting Samples

You can also check and review our Free Samples (Patent Drafts from our recent work). Click here to download