The Latest Patent Filing Trend

Patenting an invention has become so important that you have to study the latest Patent Filing Trend. We know that the patent filing process isn’t an easy task, it requires a lot of time. Therefore, you need to hire a patent firm to patent your million-dollar invention. In other words, you require skilled professionals and legal advisors throughout the patent filing process. To get a grant, a patent application must follow the guidelines issued by the USPTO. Therefore, you must have deep knowledge of patents. Besides patents, knowing the latest patent filing trend can be a plus point. Nowadays, trends play an important role in influencing businesses and markets. Thus, the latest patent filing trend may help you know what the latest inventions in the market are.

Patent Filing Trend Worldwide

Over the years, industries have done research and development in various fields. Moreover, those researches and developments have shaped the market worldwide. Consumers across the world have been consuming what industries are offering them. However, the effect of consumers’ choice has also affected the industries in the same way.  As a result, the patent filing trend has also changed over time.

According to WIPO, in 2017, more than 3.1 million applicants sought patents around the world. Moreover, patent applications received by the patent offices increased by 5.2% in 2018.

In table 1, we can see the annual report of WIPO of the year 2017 and 2018. However, the report for the year 2019 hasn’t been out yet.

Table 1 WIPO’s annual World Intellectual Property Indicators (WIPI) report

IP rights20172018Growth (%), 2017-2018
Number of Patent Applications3,162,300       3,326,300       5.2
Number of designs contained in industrial design applications       1,242,100  1,312,600  5.7  
Number of plant variety applications     18,550  20,210  8.9

The growth of plant variety applications was increased by 8.9% in 2018. Thus, it shows that industries and inventors are more inclined towards plant patents. Likewise, there was a 5.7% growth in industrial design applications in the same year.

In figure 1, we can see the graph of patent applications worldwide between the years 2004 and 2018. Also, the number of patent applications filed in 2004 was 1.5 million approximately. Over the years, the inclination of the patents filed increased as per the WIPO reports.

Figure 1: Patent applications filed worldwide, 2004-2018 WIPO

In figure 2, the number of patents granted in 2018 was close to 1.5 million. Also, after reading these two graphs, we can reckon that approximately 50% of patents are granted.

Figure 2: Patents grants worldwide, 2004-2018 WIPO

Related Article: What is Prior Art?

Patent Filing Trend in India

The patent filing trend in India is similar to the patent filing trend across the world. Also, every year the number of patent applications increases. However, things weren’t the same in India in 2016. Indian Patent Office received 46,904 patent applications. Moreover, in the consecutive year, there was a slight dip in the graph of patent applicants. Indian Patent Office received only 45444 patent applications.

In table 2, we can see the data of 5 years. Indian Patent Office has published this report.

Table 2 Report by Indian Patent Office


Moreover, the reports of WIPO and IPO suggest that the number of patent applications in the future will increase.

Related Article: How to Build a Perfect Patent Strategy?

Why Should You Hire Patent Drafting Catalyst?

Patent Drafting Catalyst (PDC) is based out of the U.S. and offers services worldwide. PDC has a comprehensive list of patent services: drawing, paralegal, filing, and so on. We, at PDC, guarantee 100% customer satisfaction. Moreover, we believe in providing world-class services at affordable prices. Also, we have a team of experienced and skilled professionals. PDC has years of experience. The company has been providing seamless services for more than 10 years.

You may see our services here – Patent Drafting Catalyst

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