Patent Drafting Catalyst specializes in creating high-quality provisional and non-provisional patent applications.
Our expert team of patent drafters combine deep technical knowledge with legal expertise to deliver enforceable,
future-ready patents for law firms and corporations.
A Malaysian based intellectual property management and consultation company
A diversified company in the field of engineering and construction from Madrid, Spain.
A global leader in industrial automation and digital solutions from Switzerland.
A robotics company from US working in automation technologies.
An Additive Manufacturing and advanced materials startup from US
As an inventor or entrepreneur, you may have come up with an innovative idea that has the potential to revolutionize your industry. Protecting your idea...
Software patents are regular patents, but instead of inventing a machine or a chemical formula, you invented a computer program. Not all software can...
A patent is a grant of property rights to an inventor. It allows the inventor to exclude others from making, using, or selling...
Patents are a legal way of protecting Intellectual Property and the risks associated with them. There are so many types of mistakes that can be made during...